Sunday, November 16, 2014

Data as Multiple Languages

I have created the following Prezi presentation "Data as Multiple Languages" as we begin thinking about data collection and analysis.

I was thinking about how we might play with data some before we jumped into ideas around collection and analysis. Thinking about what data is, how it can be useful, the different forms it might take in your research is important before we move into the next steps.  
If we think of data as a language, as a way of communicating meaning, then this opens up all forms of data as potentially useful in research. Usefulness becomes a relational process, understanding how different forms of data make sense in different contexts. For example, the communication about what MDGs are that I selected have certain relevance and meaning in certain contexts. The video with the performers in Africa brought all sorts of local metaphors and language that is relevant - for example, "hear a call for a through ball" and images of children playing soccer is culturally and contextually relevant for many people in Africa. This article speaks to soccer as a "tool for hope".  
Yet both of these videos also demonstrate voices that might be missing in the MDGs. Can you take a guess which ones might have been missing or less visible?  As a qualitative researcher, I find rich meaning in people's stories and voices. But I also find quantitative data, graphs and other forms of representations of quantitative data useful. 
When looking at large datasets, it is important to represent what the data is communicating. And the representation can be useful for policy in allocating resources, raising awareness, providing focus for efforts.  I find the use of multiple forms of data useful in telling a more complete and rich story. Depending on the context, researchers need to think about the best way to share data that tells a story, and helps to increase understanding, knowledge, and action.  
When you are finished exploring the presentation and resources I would be curious if anything struck you (meaning you saw something anew) from the idea of data as multiple languages. How does this relate to your ideas about research?

Research Proposal Template


[Insert Title Here]
 [Insert Name Here]

Dominican University, Graduate School of Social Work
Social Work Research Methods

Title page includes title of report, name of the investigator, university and course name, uses APA running head. The title should serve to provide a focus for your research proposal. (3 points)